Klaus Gutjahr
At the age of 8 years Klaus G.and his brother Walter started to learn how to play Bandoneon from their father, who was an experienced player and teacher. After finishing his education as tile-layer Klaus G. came to Berlin in 1968. Here he started to study music and finished as a teacher in 1975.
He worked and played with famous musicians as Klaus Hoffmann, Erika Pluhar, Eva Maria Hagen, Hannes Wader and Wolf Biermann at concerts and on CD`s.
His special engagement is barock and argentine`Tango. Within these kinds of music all opportinities of bandoneon can be shown and heard. Until today Klaus plays with a lot of famous artists at concerts and within music production on cd and radio shows.
When Klaus studied there was no bandoneon production worldwide. So he started a new production in 1976. He was assisted by Werner Baumgartner who is a well known specialist in building organs and other high end instruments.This coopperation delivers best results and is going on since decades now.
Until 1998 Gutjahr was the only producer of bandoneons worldwide. Then out from the field of acordeon new producers came to market with old constructions copied from Alfred Arnold who produced until the start of world war II. Enhanced bandoneons could not be manufactured by them folks since they lacked experience as active players and this special touch created out of the daily routine.
Constructionell misfaults that produce different sounds in opening and closing position are the poor result of copying Alfred Arnolds old instruments. All these faults and an upgrade of soundvolume were solved by Klaus and corrected durin his early days of production. This is the reason that his instruments have 152-154 tunes instead of 142-144. This upgrade opens up horizons for playing folk, jazz and barock without problems or changing originals!
To keep the original sound Gutjahr uses high end materials that are also used in cembalos, violines, organs and guitars.This leads to perfection and is a result of professional hand production by a soloist and builder of this magnificent instrument.